The intention of the protocol was to protect the ozone layer of our planet and help it repair itself.
A study that was released earlier this week confirmed that the protocol, which was signed in 1987 is working.
The treaty was designed to assist protect the ozonosphere by phasing out the assembly of various substances that are liable for the depletion of our ozonosphere .
The substances harmful to the ozonosphere were often found in commercial and residential refrigerants, industrial solvents, aerosol spray propellants, and foam-blowing agents like fire extinguishers.
In 2000, there was evidence that traces of those chemicals within the stratosphere have began to decline.
The drop by the traces of the chemicals helped the ozonosphere repair itself.
This study adds to growing evidence showing the profound effectiveness of the Montreal Protocol. Not only has the treaty spurred healing of the ozonosphere , it’s also driving recent changes in hemisphere air circulation patterns.
The challenge during this study was proving our hypothesis that ozone recovery is actually driving these atmospheric circulation changes and it isn’t just a coincidence.
It is good to listen to that the ozonosphere is doing tons of things to repair itself.
However, we cannot forget the very fact that greenhouse gasses like CO2 cause heating too.
CO2 doesn’t really have direct effects on the ozonosphere , however their affect is especially towards heating .
It’s the tug of war between the opposing effects of ozone recovery and rising greenhouse gases which will determine future trends.”
Susan Strahan, an atmospheric scientist from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and therefore the lead author of the study, said, “We see very clearly that chlorine from CFCs goes down within the hole , which less ozone depletion is happening due to it.”
Due to the corona-virus outbreak, people are staying inside more and it’s caused tons of companies to pack up .
These impacts have shown tons of decrease within the CO2 production within the world.