Google Meet meets Duo Meet, with Meet in Duo but Duo isn’t going into Meet
Google Meet meets Duo Meet, with Meet in Duo but Duo isn’t going into Meet

In June, Google reported that it’s bringing the highlights of Meet into the Team application — and that change starts today. Google isn’t in fact disposing of either application; Pair’s getting rebranded as Meet with the elements from both applications, and Meet’s remaining Meet.

Indeed, it sounds pretty confounding, yet toward the finish of this cycle, there will be only two applications: “Meet Unique” (the standard Meet application that will ultimately get progressively transitioned away from) and the new Meet that joins both Meet and Pair. The joined application will allow you to direct both gathering and one-on-one assembles as well as hold conferences.

Assuming that you as of now have Team introduced, you will not need to do anything. Last month, Google pushed a Pair update that adds the elements from Meet, and today, Google’s carrying out a report on iOS and Android that will change the Couple logo to the Meet symbol. By September, anybody who downloads the Google Meet application will get the new Meet/Pair combo. Google noticed that will divert to throughout the following couple of months.

Also Read: How do I use Google Meet?

Presently, in the event that you’re a Meet client, you don’t need to do anything at this moment if you simply have any desire to continue to involve it as it has consistently existed with practically no extra advantages from Team. Google may ultimately end support for the first Meet, so remember that assuming that you wish to keep utilizing the application with no guarantees. Google says it will illuminate unique Meet clients when they “ought to relocate to the new application experience” however doesn’t determine when that will occur.

This change adds one more layer of intricacy to research’s trap of informing applications however is an indication that Google’s combining the administrations it now has as opposed to simply adding another one. Recently, Google declared that it would close down Home bases in November for Google Talk. Google additionally finished outsider help for Google Talk (otherwise known as GChat) last month.